New Revisions for IEC 61331 series – Medical X-ray Protective devices

You know what it’s like — You go to the doctor or dentist and the next thing you know, you’re getting an x-ray!  Good news.  The shields that are used to protect you and the technician are designed and manufactured using standards.  And the IEC 61331 series on this topic has just been updated.   Why?  The set was issued back in the 1990’s.  Now there’s newer technology available, including the use of some lead-free materials.  Read on for more information on these technical updates to the 3 standards that make up the IEC 61331 series!

IEC 61331-1, Edition 2.0,  Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation – Part 1: Determination of attenuation properties of materials

Here’s the primary changes you’ll find in the new 2nd Edition:

  • extension of the scope to cover photon-emitting radionuclides
  • improved methods to determine the attenuation ratio
  • addition of inverse broad beam condition
  • a method to calculate the attenuation ratio of photon-emitting radionuclides
  • the definition of new standard X- and gamma radiation qualities used in testing
  • a new lead equivalent class
  • tables of attenuation ratios, build-up factors and first half-value latyers for standard radiation qualities filtered with different thicknesses of lead

IEC 61331-2, Edition 2.0, Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation – Part 2: Translucent protective plates

Changes here are:

  • extention of the scope to cover all kinds of translucent protective plates and all kinds of radiation qualities and gamma radiation
  • translucent protective plates for visual imaging are no longer included
  • requirements for geometrical accuracy and optical quality are changed
  • requirements for determination of lead equivalent and minimal thickness are changed
  • requirements for information and marking are changed

IEC 61331-3, Edition 2.0, Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation – Part 3: Protective clothing, eyewear and protective patient shields

Here are the areas updated:

  • requirement for an improved method for attenuation properties (uses a broader and more clinically relevant range of radiation qualities appropriate to the use of the device)
  • Adds three new devices — thyroid collars, protective eyewear and protective aprons for dental use

OK — I’m always happy to know that standards are keeping up with technology and that the inherent risk of potentially dangerous things are minimized by the use of these documents.  So if you are in the business of providing or using any of these types of shields, please go ahead and get the new copies.  And implement them too!  It not only protects us, the public, and your customers.  It also shows that you’re using the current best practices for the sake of providing safe, quality products.

Where do you get your standards?  Make Document Center Inc. your go-to location for this type of compliance information.  You can search for and order the documents you need at our webstore,  Or contact our staff via phone (650-591-7600), fax (650-591-7617) or email (  We’ve been providing standards to customers like you from our Silicon Valley location since 1982.  Make us your Standards Experts!

Published by

Claudia Bach

Claudia Bach is the President of Document Center Inc. and a world-wide recognized expert on Standards and Standards Distribution. You can connect with her on Google+

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